Monday, October 1, 2007


This word has such a deep meaning....

I see it as "REAL-EYES".

The real meaning of this word lies in opening your
real eyes...The Eyes of the Subconscious Mind and Soul.
Its when you open these two, that you actually see the
Truth ..." The Harsh Reality" and sometimes "The Beautiful Truth".
And thats enough to understand the Myths we have been
living with.
We often feel that we are very Intelligent and are aware
of the facts of Life....We are mistaken..because we are
superficial when it comes understanding Life and its
purpose...We get entangled in the material things, which
in turn become Life for us.
Realisation comes from understanding our actions, the causes
and the effects of the same.

This is a Classical example of Realisation...
There was once a Brave-hearted Lion who ruled the Jungle.
He was respected by all the animals as he was a very Just King.
He was equally respected by his pride members as he never fell
short of his Responsibilities...towards them.
One Day, as he was moving in the Jungle, he saw a helpless Fawn...
( a young one of a Deer )A normal Lion would have seen him as an
Easy prey....But Big-Hearted as he was....he gently lifted it up and
brought it to his pride. The Lioness at once thought that he had got
food for them..But when the Lion expressed his Desire to take care of
the Fawn and not to eat it, she was a little Unhappy.
They went Hungry for the Day.......
But she trusted her Lord and accepted the Fawn as a part of the Family.
Days went by and the Fawn grew up into a lovely young Deer...Healthy,
Pretty and ready to go On its own.Then came the saddest part.....
"The Separation". It expressed the Desire to separate from the Pride,
His Family....and join the other Deers in the Jungle.
It came as a shock to the Brave,Big-Hearted Lion....He felt that he was
no longer The Big Hearted Lion , the jungle knew.
He was Heart-Broken...unable to Realise the Fact that though he took
good care of the Deer....the real place for it was among his
Fellow Deer and not the Pride...He was attached.
He could not bear the thought of separating from the Fawn....whom
he nurtured with all his Love.
Suddenly, from a distance he saw a Young male Deer eyeing constantly
on his beloved Fawn...The Doe.And then he looked at his Lioness.

There came the Realisation ....the Naked truth...that the his baby was
not where it ought to be...It had to be one with the herd...........
"The Herd of Deers".Both looked at each other with a tear in their Eyes.
Suddenly The Lion got up, gathered all his courage and ordered the
Deer....his Baby to join the Male Deer.
The Deer gave a last Hug to The Lion and bid farewell promising that
it would be born as a Lion in the next Birth and unite with him again.

Indeed, it was a little difficult for both of them...
But the fact remained....the Deer did not belong to the Herd.
The Deer was more than Happy to join the Herd and the Lion
eagerly waited for the Rebirth.

This was only only possible because of the Real-Eyes-ation of the Lion.

Similarly, in Life we too need to open the third eye...the eye of the
soul...the sub-conscious mind in times of Pain.
and then gather ourselves to face the Truth,,,,The Naked Truth.

1 comment:

I Am The Golden Gal !!!!! said...

This is Truly Amazing Stuff Dear!!
Where did u manage to pick this story from!!!?
I somehow feel this story is one of ur own wonderful creations..?
Its such a reflection of our life my dear Lion King!!
So Am the Deer and ur the Lion!!
It is mind boggling, and hair raising for me if I see the relatedness!!!
We shall wait!!!